Atomic Habits book club (Charles and Friends)

I’ve been dragging my feet to start a book study on James Clear’s awesome “Atomic Habits” book.

It sounds amazing. I haven’t read it (yet).

Working on something with people energizes me.

So, I’m inviting friends I know who are interested in self-improvement, diverse perspectives and seem to be willing to try something new. Yep, that is you!

First meeting: Sunday, March 17.

Length: about 1 hour

Time: 5pm-6pm PDT / 6pm-7pm MDT / 7pm-8pm EDT

My cool friends are spread across the earth, so this will be a hybrid book club- with people in my living room and people visiting on Google Meet.

(Please contact me for the Google Meet video call info)

We may have 5-12 people attending, I’ve thought up an agenda to make sure we create a space for everybody to share if they want.

Here’s the rough agenda for the first week:
2 mins: How will I run this book club? (Focused on celebrating our efforts, giving everyone an opportunity to share and encouraging each other).

Intros: For the first meeting, let’s get to know each other. Name, two hobbies you enjoy, habit you want to establish, and your favorite quote from the chapter.

5 mins: Chapter Summary: We summarize the chapter (see summaries in resources below. If you did not read the chapter, that is fine. We are glad to have you!)

25 mins: Chapter discussion (more time for discussion in future weeks)

10 mins: personal Intentions / decisions for next week.

Optional during the week: send your secret group mate an encouragement


Forget real or authentic- the real question of content & traffic on the web

This confusion is a feature of a fragmented internet, which can give the impression that two opposing phenomena are happening simultaneously: Popular content is being consumed at an astounding scale, yet popularity and even celebrity feel miniaturized, siloed. We live in a world where it’s easier than ever to be blissfully unaware of things that other people are consuming. It’s also easier than ever to assign outsize importance to information or trends that may feel popular but are actually contained.

Where Woman Work, a magazine

I learned about a new website today: Where Woman Work. The site is all about exploring employers and the work that woman do there.

I was hoping the site was all about the workspaces that women create. I’ve collected photos of people’s workspaces over the years, and long ago, I collected screenshots of people’s desktops. I remember the customized windows “skinning” days, to many different Linux desktop / window managers.

I’ve always been fascinated by the environment people create around them. Workspaces seem to subconsciously communicate things about people in a very true sense- the person is focused on work, with varying levels of vanity or self-awareness.

Chatbot offers study help in unreliable Internet areas, FoondaMate raises $2M

South African study-by-text startup raises $2M. A South African edtech firm that offers a study-by-text service for students with unreliable internet access has raised $2 million in seed funding. FoondaMate, founded in 2020, offers an AI-powered chat bot to provide students with study materials via WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.” EdWeek