Building an interactive plotter art installation |

“I was given the opportunity to participate in SIGGRAPH 2023 in Los Angeles, and I decided to showcase how art, code, and pen plotters all mesh together. In order to do this, I created an interactive art installation which brought together all three.

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Make sure we take notes

In almost all the meetings I attend, I’m always the note-taker by choice unless I have earmarked someone to take notes. My notes usually ends up being the go-to and shared document after the meetings.
I’m still learning, and I love taking pictorial/visual notes. Try it; it is fun. If one is interested, I suggest the books by Dan Roam[1]. They are quick to read/browse, and I keep re-reading them. If you are starting with just one book, start with “Draw to Win”.

Forget real or authentic- the real question of content & traffic on the web

This confusion is a feature of a fragmented internet, which can give the impression that two opposing phenomena are happening simultaneously: Popular content is being consumed at an astounding scale, yet popularity and even celebrity feel miniaturized, siloed. We live in a world where it’s easier than ever to be blissfully unaware of things that other people are consuming. It’s also easier than ever to assign outsize importance to information or trends that may feel popular but are actually contained.

Chatbot offers study help in unreliable Internet areas, FoondaMate raises $2M

South African study-by-text startup raises $2M. A South African edtech firm that offers a study-by-text service for students with unreliable internet access has raised $2 million in seed funding. FoondaMate, founded in 2020, offers an AI-powered chat bot to provide students with study materials via WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.” EdWeek

Colourise old b/w photos with Machine Learning

And as such, for our hackathon in January, our team decided to build a deep learning colouriser tool trained specifically for old Singaporean photos.
An important note here: the point of colourisation is to generate an image with colours that are plausible. It by no means guarantees that the colourised image is an accurate representation of the actual snapshot in time.

awesome work,

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, Owner: (Registered business address: Germany), processes personal data only to the extent strictly necessary for the operation of this website. All details in the privacy policy.